Visual literacy, design and UDL - lecture's companion tool

Image: Ray eye reused here in accordance with a creative commons license

To read: Color matters! Read about color symbolism in different cultures and explore other parts of this website to learn more about the significance of color in our lives.

To use in your future classroom: C.A.R.P. junior - Design Principles for kids - ideas on how to practice them in an elementary classroom.

To challenge yourself: Look at these 25 of the most iconic photographs (according to CNN) - How many can you name just by looking at them?

Book:  link to an e-textbook by Robin Wiliams explaining the four principles of visual literacy beautifully: Williams, R. (2014). The Non-Designer's Design Book. Peachpit Press.

To browse and use in your classroom: Britannica Image Quest: - a collection of images that are easily transferable to projects and integrate with Google Classroom. Note the link to project ideas of how to use visuals to support students' learning (resource available via AEA -password protected but available to all Iowa public educators)

To Read: Concept Maps for teaching and learning - What are they? When to use them? This is a nice and short compendium of knowledge prepared for you at the University of British Columbia. 

To watch: short and simple tutorial on how to create a concept map:

To watch: (3m) Visual Diagramming, Concept Mapping, Mind Mapping - all of these phrases apply to visually brainstorming or organizing ideas. This video explains its benefits:

To browse and bookmark: The Smithsonian Institution Archives: Education Materials for K - 12 Teachers.

To browse and bookmark: Smithsonian Open Access, where you can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images.

To experiment: Play with colors on a professional level: The color scheme designer.

To read:
 How to Design For Color Blindness:

To browse and install: 
Extensions in the Google Chrome Web Store mentioned during the presentation:
  • Dalton - software allowing people with different kinds of color blindness (color vision deficiency) to see more colors.
  • WAVE is a web accessibility evaluation tool developed by It provides visual feedback about the accessibility of your web content by injecting icons and indicators into your page.
  • Other Chrome accessibility extensions: 
Microsoft Design’s Inclusive Design toolkit - Resources for  Inclusive Design that enables and draws on the full range of human diversity.

  • 2.5c Educators explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.
  • 2.6d. Educators model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.

ISTE Standards for Student Connection:
  • 1.1b Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
  • 1.6c Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
